Mitchell Creek Rock N Blues Fest - Brewin' The Blues

Brewin' The Blues

This Band “ BREWIN' The BLUES “ are from Australia. They are a stunning and an incredible powerful band consisting of seven very talented musicians singers and dances. Their first big debut show was at Mitchell Creek Rock “n” Blues Festival 2017 in south east Queensland Australia. Since then the band have been performing constantly here at home on the Sunshine Coast.

They finished off the year 2017 headlining a new year eve’s show promoted by Mitchell Creek Touring company at D’Aguila Hotel “ Dag Pub” S.E.Qld.

They have just finished recording their first album cd entitled “ Bedlam “ ready for release at the end of this fall 2018. Lots of cd release shows and radio airplay have been planned for this year Australia wide for BTB. They’ll also be performing at Mitchell Creek Rock “n” Blues Festival September 22nd 2018 and “Rock the Boat Cruise” 2018 biggest rock festival at sea along with the band “ Foreigner”. October 21st through 28th. Their facebook page is Brew’n the Blues and videos can be seen on youtube “ live at mitchelle creek”

Meanwhile let me introduce to you the one and only Brew’n the Blues.

Hayley Beard. Lead vocals and dance coordinator

Ashleigh Mueckenberger. Lead vocals and dance coordinator

Floyd Jones. Lead guitar and vocals

Doug Lavery. Drummer and vocals

Michael Rander. Bass guitar and back up vocals

Ric Halstead. Saxaphones and Flute

Jonathan May. Piano, Organ and several more.

All individual bio’s for this all star band are on their website page.

A line up of aussie legends I must say. Get up and close with this band .They’ll talk your ear off after every show when they come out and mingle, and of course flog their cd and dvd. Cheers and Beers. Their favorite saying.


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